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Deep Chillz

Deep Chillz

Deep Chillz is a unique wellness establishment located in the heart of Tel Aviv, offering ice bath experiences to both novices and seasoned enthusiasts. Pioneering the field of cryotherapy, the company provides a method of exposure to extreme cold temperatures, which has numerous health benefits.

With professional guidance, Deep Chillz ensures a safe and beneficial experience by teaching various breathing techniques, including those promoted by Wim Hof, to help clients withstand the chill of the ice baths. Strongly focused on hygiene, the company maintains the cleanliness of the baths with a continuous filtration system and utilizes ozone to purify the water.

Deep Chillz stands out as a must-visit destination for health enthusiasts and adventurers alike. The profound benefits reported by their clients, such as bolstered immunity, quicker injury recovery, better sleep quality, and enhanced mood, are a testament to the transformative impact of their ice baths.

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