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The Cold Plunge Co.

The Cold Plunge Co.

The Cold Plunge Co. is an innovative gaming company based in New Zealand, dedicated to making the powerful benefits of cold water therapy accessible and effective for high-performance enthusiasts and athletes. The company proudly offers Australasia's first commercial ice bath kits that can reach temperatures as low as 4°C within three hours. With their mission deeply rooted in enhancing recovery and wellness rituals, The Cold Plunge Co.

In the past year, The Cold Plunge Co. has focused on designing affordable and effective commercial ice bath solutions, exemplified by their Performance Pro Series which includes the compact Performance Pro Barrel and the spacious Performance Pro Tub. These products come with a two-year commercial warranty and are designed to cater to the demanding nature of gym environments, providing both heating and cooling functionalities, and are easily controlled via Wi-Fi and a mobile app.

Why should you be interested in The Cold Plunge Co.? Their offerings position them as trailblazers in the recovery tool market, providing state-of-the-art solutions to elevate the fitness and wellness experience. Their commitment is evident in their extensive support network across social media platforms, where they share the latest research, product updates, and special promotions. Embracing their motto, "Embrace the Chill™", The Cold Plunge Co.

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